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Saturday, June 13, 2009


It means trusting yourself with someone who has seen you at your worst and loves you anyway

It means teasing each other and laughin` at inside jokes nobody but only the two of you could understand

It means feeling safe tnugh to talk about anything and having the patience to work out disagreements

It means counting on someone who symphathizes when you had a bad day
..and worries about you when you`re gone too long, and always welcomes you with open arms no matter what.

You`re not the perfect boy, you know.
You`re pretty amazing and such, but sometimes I can get really angry at you.
But that`s not the point, `cause I just love how we make up.
`Cause you don`t have to be perfect.
Perfect for me is good enough, and that`s what you are.

Yeah, we`ve had our fights and we`ve put each other through hell.
We picked each other up when one of us fell.
We`ll always be together, because I honestly don`t know where I`d be without you.

Things I learned from Bob Ong

  • Pag binisita ka ng idea, gana, o inspirasyon, kailangan mong itigil LAHAT ng ginagawa mo para lang di masayang ang pagkakataon.
  • Iba ang walang ginagawa sa gumagawa ng wala.
  • Pag hindi ka mahal ng mahal mo wag ka magreklamo. Kasi may mga tao rin na di mo mahal pero mahal ka.. Kaya quits lang.
  • Hiwalayan na kung di ka na masaya. Walang gamot sa tanga kundi pagkukusa.
  • Kung maghihintay ka nang lalandi sayo, walang mangyayari sa buhay mo.. Dapat lumandi ka din.
  • Huwag mong bitawan ang bagay na hindi mo kayang makitang hawak ng iba.
  • Lahat naman ng tao sumeseryoso pag tinamaan ng pagmamahal. Yun nga lang, hindi lahat matibay para sa temptasyon.
  • Kung natatakot kang harapin ang totoo at sabihin ang talagang nararamdaman mo dahil baka masaktan ka, isa lang ibig sabihin nun. Ipinagkait mo na sa sarili mo ang pagiging masaya at kinarir mo nang magpakatanga.
  • Mahirap pumapel sa buhay ng tao. Lalo na kung hindi ikaw yung bida sa script na pinili niya. At wala kang magagawa kung biglang gusto ka na lang niyang tanggalin sa eksena dahil para sa kanya...isa ka LANG namang EXTRA.

  • Paano mo makikita yung para sa iyo kung ayaw mong tantanan yung pinipilit mong maging sa yo?
  • Di mo naman kailangan gawin lahat para maging masaya. Kailangan mo lang alagaan yung nagpapasaya sa yo. Kung nahihirapan ka dun, di ka talaga masaya, akala mo lang.

Dating Advice for Women

Steve Harvey's advice for women

The Introduction
In his book, Steve says the way a man introduces you gives good insight into the status of your relationship. If a man introduces you as a friend or says your name with no title at all, Steve says you have nothing. "We're very protective. We mark our territory. If a man loves you ... he's willing to profess it. He'll give you a title after a while. You're going to be his lady, his woman, his fiancée, his wife, his baby's mama, something," he says. "If he's introducing you after six months, 'This is ... Oprah,' you should be standing there going, 'This is going nowhere.'"

Man with a Plan
Another thing women need to understand, according to Steve, is that every man has a plan. "Men don't come up to you to just talk. We come up to you with a plan," he says. "We're looking across the room at you, and we don't care about your hopes and dreams. We don't care about what your future holds. We saw something we wanted."

When a man approaches a woman, Steve says, he already knows what we wants from her, but he doesn't know what it will cost. "How much time do you want from me? What your standards? What are your requirements? Because we'll rise to the occasion no matter how high you set the bar if we want to," he says. "The problem is, women have stopped setting the bar high."

The Cookie
Though a woman might want many things from a man, Steve says men only need three things: support, loyalty and sex. Or as Steve calls it, "the cookie." "We've got to have your support. Whatever adventure we're out on, whatever pursuit in life, we need your support. Then we need your loyalty. That's your love. We've got to know that you belong to us," he says. "And we've got to have a cookie. Everybody likes cookies. That's the thing about a cookie. I like oatmeal raisin ... but if you've got vanilla cream, I'll eat that too."

Kickin' It
In Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, Steve tells the story of his father-in-law's first introduction to one of Steve's daughter's boyfriends. "[My 26-year-old daughter] was dating this guy who was about 30. He had been over to the house about four, five times. And my father-in-law was visiting from Memphis," Steve says. "He's in the kitchen and he's eating and [my daughter's] boyfriend is in there, and [my father-in-law] goes: 'So, son, sit down. Tell me, what's your plan for my granddaughter?'" After plenty of hemming and hawing, Steve says the boyfriend finally said that the two were just "kickin' it."

Steve was pretty confident his daughter didn't have the same interpretation of the relationship, he says. "I said: 'Cool. Let's bring my daughter in there. Let's inform her that she's just being kicked ... let's see if that's what she wants to do," he says. "They broke up the next day."

Gone Fishin'
Steve says men are like fishermen — but women are actually the ones looking for a good catch. You won't be able to find one, though, until you up your standards. "You've got sports fishermen, and you've got guys out there fishing to eat. You've got guys that are fishing to keep the fish, and you've got guys that are fishing to catch them, unhook them and throw them back," Steve says. "You've got to determine along the way which one of the fish you're going to be."

Without ironclad standards, Steve says you'll always end up back in the dating pool. "You've got to quit lowering your standards," he says. "Set your requirements up front so when a guy hooks you, he has to know this is business."

And don't let the man set the pace of the relationship — Steve says it's always the woman who has total control. "With all that power, why do you suddenly relinquish this power just because you want a guy to accept you? That's stupid," he says. "Say: 'Look, if you want to be with me, this is what you got to do. This is what it takes to get to me.'"

When Should You Sleep with Your New Boyfriend?
As an auto plant worker, Steve says he had to wait 90 days to receive benefits — and says the same probation period should apply to dating. "In 90 days they checked me out. They determined if I was easy to work with, if I got along well with others, if I showed up when I said I was going to show up, if I was worthy."

Women, Steve says, hold the greatest benefit of all — the cookie — so there's no reason to give it away until you know your man deserves it. "Slow down, ladies," Steve says. "Look, you cannot run us off."

So what if you don't want to wait 90 days? Steve says if you change the probation period, you do so at your own risk. "You all keep changing the rules. And men are aware of the fact that you are changing the rules. We're aware of the fact that you act desperate. We're aware of the fact that you think there's a good shortage of good men out there," he says.

"We play on all of that ... we created the term 'gold digger' so you won't ask us for nothing. We created the term 'nagging' so you can quit badgering us. These are terms that we created so you can require less of us."

Mr. Fix-It
Steve says four little words can strike fear and dread into any man: We need to talk. "You just drove a nail in his forehead," Steve says.

Men are fixers, not talkers, Steve says, so it's better to get to the point. "When you say, 'We need to talk,' we put up the barriers," he says. "I tell ladies, just sit down and strike up a conversation."

Turn Off the Text
Social networking websites and text messages can be a great way to keep in touch with friends, but Steve says it's not the best way to date. "You have nothing if you're texting a guy in a relationship," he says. "We can text six women a minute. We can text it and push 'reply all.' I mean, since we're lying, we might as well lie to everybody."

If you want the relationship to be more, take it face-to-face. "Women talk about [how] chivalry's dead. Chivalry's not dead — it's just not required anymore," he says. "You've got to get a guy in your face. Look in his eyes. ... God has given you all this incredible thing called intuition. You've got to use that."

Safety First
You know you've got a keeper when your man wants to make sure you're always safe, Steve says. Every man wants to protect his woman, and Steve says this instinct kicks in when his wife, Marjorie, scuba dives. "I can't go home without her. We've got seven kids between us," Steve says. "They need their mother. I'm not a good mother at all."

Although Marjorie is a certified diver, Steve isn't a swimmer. "I have a security guy who can swim," he says. "So [he puts] on the snorkeling gear and when she goes down, I tell him, 'You swim over and just keep an eye on my wife.'"

Steve also has instructions for everyone else on the boat. "I told all the dive masters on the boat: 'If she does not come out of that water in 30 minutes, everybody in the water. Everybody. We're doing a dive search right here,'" he says. "I don't care if nobody [else] on the boat goes home. She goes home."


5 Times You Shouldn't Text Him

After your first few dates. It may be tempting to contact a guy after an amazing date, but resist the urge. "Reaching out lessens the thrill of the chase for him," says psychologist Diana Kirschner, Ph.D., author of Love in 90 Days.

When you're drunk. Since phones don't come with Breathalyzers*, it's up to you to stop yourself from sending a tipsy message — especially one that suggests you two meet up ASAP. "Being too available lets a guy know he has all the leverage," Krieger says.

When you're angry.
It's annoying when a guy flakes, but sending a "Why haven't you called me?!" inquiry makes you look massively insecure. Avoid angry texts once you're in a relationship too. "When it's in writing, you can't easily take it back," Kirschner says. It's even smart to ban bitchy humor, which can sound meaner than it is.

When you're trying to be funny. "When relayed nonverbally, sarcasm and joking can come off as aggressive," according to Kirschner. A dude could read a message like "OMG, you were out of control last night" literally, which makes you sound pissed when you were actually just fondly remembering his funny behavior.

When you've already texted him that day. Once you're in an ongoing relationship, you may be tempted to rely on texting as a regular form of communication, and there's nothing wrong with staying in touch that way sometimes. But electronic communication discourages phone conversations and one-on-one time. Also, guys like brief updates, not a blow-by-blow of your life.

source: msn lifestyle

Reasons People Cheat

Here are some situations that make people cheat:

1. Bored
This is the most common reason that people cheat. It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.

2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.

3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.

4. Because They Let You
If a guy ever cheated on me, I'd break up with him immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.

5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.

6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.

7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.

8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.

9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.

I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?

Are you a meantime girl?

What's a meantime girl?

She's the one you call when you're bored because she makes you laugh.

She's the one you talk to when you're feeling down because she's willing to lend an ear and be a friend.

She's not the one you call when you need a date to your company's Christmas party, or to go dancing with on a Saturday night.

She's the one you spend time with between girlfriends, before you find "The One". You know, the one who you keep around in the meantime.

She's not one of the guys, not a tomboy, but you don't look at her as a "real" woman, either.

She's not bitchy enough, moody enough, or sexy enough to be seen in that light.

She's too laid-back, too easily amused by the same things your male buddies are amused by.

She's too understanding, too comfortable - she doesn't make you feel nervous or excited the way a "real" woman does.

But she's cool, and nice, and funny, and attractive enough that when you're lonely or horny and need intimate female companionship, she'll do just fine.

You don't have to wine and dine her because she knows the real you already, and you don't have any facades to keep up, no pretenses to preserve.

You're not trying to get anything of substance out of her.

She's not easy, but you know that she cares about you and is attracted to you, and that she'll give you the intimacy you need.

And you know you don't have to explain yourself or the situation, that she'll be able to cope with the fact that this isn't the beginning of a relationship or that there's any possibility that you have any real romantic feelings for her.

It won't bother her that you'll get up in the morning, put on your pants, say goodbye, and go on a date with the woman you've been mooning over for weeks who finally agreed to go out with you.

She'll settle for a goodbye hug and a promise to call her and tell her how the date went.

She's just so cool . . . why can't all women be like that?!

But deep down, if you really think about it (which you probably don't because to you, the situation between the two of you isn't important enough to merit any real thought), you know that it's really not fair.

You know that although she would never say it, it hurts her to know that despite all her good points and all the fun you two have, you don't think she's good enough to spend any real time with.

Sure, it's mostly her fault, because she doesn't have to give in to your needs - she could play the hard-to-get bitch like the rest of them do, if she really wanted to.

But you and she both know that she probably couldn't pull it off. Maybe she's too short, or a little overweight, or has a big birthmark on her forehead, or works at Taco Bell, or just really not that type.

Whatever the reason, somehow life has given her a lot of really great qualities but has left out the ones that men want (or think they want) in a woman.

So she remains forever the funny friend, the steadfast companion, the secret lover, and you go on searching for your goddess who will somehow be everything you ever wanted in a woman.

You'll joke to her that she should be the best man at your wedding, and she'll laugh and make a joke about a smelly rental tux.

She doesn't captivate you with her beauty, or open doors with her smile. Mainly she blends in with the crowd.

She's safe.

She doesn't want to be the center of attention and turn the heads of everyone in the room. But she wants to turn someone's head.

She wants to be special to someone, too.

We all do.

She has feelings.

She has a heart.

In fact, she probably has a bigger and better heart than any woman you've ever known because she's had a front-row seat to The Mess That Is Your Life, and she likes you anyway. She obviously sees something worthwhile and redeeming in you because although you've given her nothing, absolutely no reason to still be around, she is.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

UST - First day of Class Sched

Source: UST-CSC (

Faculty of Sacred Theology
- June 15, 2009

Faculty of Civil Law - June 15, 2009

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery - *waiting for response*

Faculty of Pharmacy - June 16, 2009

Faculty of Arts and Letters - June 17, 2009

Faculty of Engineering - June 16, 2009

College of Education - June 16, 2009

College of Science - June 16, 2009

UST High school - *waiting for responose*

College of Architecture - June 15, 2009

College of Commerce and Business Administration - June 16, 2009

Conservatory of Music - June 15, 2009

College of Nursing - June 15, 2009

UST Education High School - June 15, 2009 *regular schedule*

College of Rehabilitation Sciences - June 15, 2009

College of Fine Arts and Design - *waiting for response*

UST - AMV College of Accountancy - June 15, 2009 *those who have dismissal at 1:15p.m. need not to attend.*

College of Tourism and Hospitality Management - June 15, 2009

*All classes, except in UST Education High school, on June 15, 2009 will start at 1p.m.
*These dates came from your local student councils.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ang Pulang Bahay

Hindi ko pa rin maalis sa isip ko ang nangyari kay Andrea. Sa tuwing makikita ko ang litrato niya ay hindi ko mapaliwanag ang aking nararamdaman, magkakahalong galit, takot at lungkot ito. Galit sa sarili dahil hinayaan ko siyang mapahamak, takot dahil baka malaman nila ang totoong nangyari at lungkot dahil nawalan ako ng kaibigan.


Isang araw, kasama ang aming barkada, niyaya kong makipag inuman si Andrea.

“Rea, Inuman tayo!” sabi ko.

“O sige! Kita tayo mamaya!” sagot naman niya.

“Kita tayo sa pulang bahay, malapit kina Migz.” Dagdag ng isang kabarkada.

Matagal na kaming magkakilala ni Andrea. Musmos pa lang, kambal tuko na kami. Walang okasyon na hindi kami magkasama. Kung nasaan siya, nandoon ako at ganoon din siya sa akin. Madalas kaming asarin ng mga kababata pero hindi naming ito pinapansin. Kilalang kilala naming ang isa’t isa, kaya siguro pinagkatiwalaan niya ko at sumama sa amin ng gabing iyon.

Kinagabihan, nagkita kita kaming lahat. Ayos na ang lahat, hinihintay na lang ang iba.

“Hay nako! Si Migz talaga! Siya na yung malapit siya pa huli!” pabirong sinabi ni Andrea.

“Alam mo naman yung tao, mas makupad pa sa pagong.” Sumabat si July, pinsan ni Andrea.

Nagtawanan ang lahat nang marinig iyon.

“Pero alam niyo, kahit mabagal pa sa pagong si Migz, ay lola, infairness, gwapo si Migz.” Pagtanggol ni Carol kay Migz.

Bumanat si Andrea “Hoy Caroline! Ayos ka lang? Hindi pa tayo nagsisimula, LASING ka na!”

“Eh gwapo naman talaga siya e” sagot ni Carol.

“Hay salamat! Dumating din siya” bulalas ko pagkakita kay Migz.

“O kamusta naman biyahe natin Miguelito? Trapik ba?” hirit ni Andrea.

“Ok naman, nasiraan lang diyan sa kanto” sagot ni Migz habang papasok ng pulang bahay.

Sinimulan na naming ang inuman, nung una ay masaya ang lahat, pero nang tumagal ay nagsasagutan na sila. Lasing na ang mga ito. Sabi ko sa sarili. Biglang tumahimik, napagod na siguro, lasing na nga.

Nagpaalam na sila Carol at July, nagpaiwan si Andrea. Palaging ganito ang nangyayari sa tuwing magiinuman kami, kaya ang turing na rink ay Andrea ay ‘one of the boys’. Ngunit ngayong gabi kinutuban ako ng masamang mangyayari kaya “Tara Rea, uwi na tayo, hatid na kita sa inyo” bulong ko kay Andrea.

“Mamaya na, tagay pa David! Kaya ko pa! Dito muna tayo!” sagot naman niya.

“Oo nga naman, Dave, inom pa! Talo ka pa ni Rea o! Mas lalaki pa ata sa iyo tong bespren mo e!” sigaw ni Migz. “Teka teka, pare, kulang pa alak, bili ka muna kina Manang Yolly!” dagdag ni Migz.

Bumili ako ng isa pang kahang beer, dalawang lapad at pulutan. Medyo natagalan ako dahil maraming tao sa tindahan. Naglalakad na ako pabalik, nang isang sigaw ang aking narinig. Si Andrea! Diyos ko! Huwag naman po sana!

Nakita ko ang lahat, nakita ko kung paano nila lapastanganin at babuyin si Andrea. Hindi ko inaakalang magagawa nila ito sa kababata namin. Gusto kong tulungan si Rea pero hindi ako makagalaw sa lugar na pinagtataguan ko, sa sobrang panghihina.

“Tulungan niyo ako!! TULONG!” Makailang ulit na sigaw ni Andrea.

Nakarinig na lamang ako ng putok ng baril.

Sa sobrang takot ay pinilit kong tumakbo papalayo ng pulang bahay.

Kinabukasan, pinaguusapan na ng mga kapitbahay ang nangyari kay Andrea. Nakiusap ako na lumipat sa bagong bayan o kahit saang lugar basta makakalimutan ko ang nangyari kay Andrea. Nakatakas sila Migz, kami naman ng pamilya ko ay lumipat ng tirahan.

Sampung taon na ang nakalipas. Sampung taon ko din itinago ang sikretong ito. Sampung taon bago ko natanggap na ako’y isang duwag at walang kwentang kaibigan. Nananalanging ako’y napatawad na ni Andrea at hindi ito mangyari sa anak kong babae.